So the other day I took my boyfriends little sister for a little trip to London. She needed to visit the V&A museum for some homework, and I said I'd happily take her, cos I love the V&A museum, and I love London. Later on I took her to Camden too, cos she'd only been once in her life, and I hadn't been properly in years.
So firstly we went to the V&A museum, I mostly just followed her around the sections she needed to go, which included China, Japan and India. Then we both went to the Fashion section, which I'm so happy is open again! It has a lot of the same clothes which it had before it shut, but also lots of new things too! So I went a bit instagram crazy at the V&A! Follow me on instagram @danidanimason
So many beautiful things in the V&A Museum! Definately go if you visit London, it's free :)
Outside they often have different art installments, and this time it was loads of these weird spinning chairs! There was about 30 of them, all along the concrete floor, next to the fountains, and there were loads of kids just spinning around. I had to give it a go though! It was a lot scarier than it looks, I thought I was going to fall over backwards! Big kid! :)
I picked up a few postcards whilst in the V&A shop. When you go there you always think 'why on earth would you pay 70p for a postcard?!' but really, you're going to be paying at least £1 for a birthday card, and the designs on these were so cute! :)
I cannot wait to go back and see the Ballgowns exhibition. I've heard so many great things about it, and with my student card it only costs £7 to get in!
And here is what I picked up in Camden:
I'd been looking at nail wraps and stickers on eBay for a while, but when I saw these in Camden I had to have them, they were only £1 each so not a big deal if they don't go well! I loved the look of the rose pattern, as no nail wraps online or in shops really grabbed my attention! And the little stickers looked like lace, so I thought if I do a plain nail colour and just stick one on maybe my ring finger it could look cute?
I'd been after a hamsa hand necklace for ages! I wasn't too keen on this when I first saw it, but when I asked how much it was, and she said £1 I thought I'd give it a go. I tried it on in a mirror and it went down to further than my chest, and I thought that teamed with a plain outfit, or a few other necklaces it would look quite cute.
A mood ring! I'd been wanting one of these for so long, purely because I used to have one as a child and loved it, and I just like the idea of them! This one was a bargain at 79p so I couldn't say no. Not gonna lie, between now and the time I bought it, it has only turned blue or green. I might try what I did as a child, and put it in the freezer for a day or two, see what colour it turns then haha!

Okay these items were my absolute favourite out of the lot, and the best bargains too! The ring was £5 on this little market stall of vintage jewellery and I was humming and harring about whether to get it, because I don't exactly NEED any more rings... I would just LIKE more rings! But anyways, then I was a little stand on the same stall of tiny earrings, and they were 'two for £5'. So I found the cameo earrings and really, really wanted them and couldn't find any I wanted too. I then found the moons and thought they were okay, quite cute, but I still said to the man "could you do me a deal if I bought all 3?". I was expecting him to say £8 for them all, at the very best, and he gave me a weird look, which I assumed was a 'no way' look, but instead he said "Just gimmie £5 for the lot."
I was like "are you sure?!" and he was like "yeah, I've always hated those earrings". Haha so funny seen as he knew I wanted to buy them, but bargain on my behalf, what a funny man! :)
Thanks for reading :)
I'm sorry I wrote quite a few essays on this post haha!
What do you think of the V&A?
What do you think of Camden?
Which of my purchases are your favourite?
Love Dani