Happy Easter everyone! I hope you've all had a lovely weekend full of chocolate, roast dinner and spending time with loved ones! I know that I have! :)
This is only the second of my Sunday summary posts but I feel that they are definitely something that will be sticking! I love the idea of having a random post to write about anything which wasn't really worthy of a full post on it's own, and I can fit a few things into one! I will be rounding up the week, including my instagram pictures and any giveaway winnings from that week!

I love being at home from uni for Easter. Tea and scrambled eggs omnomnom :)
Primark have some lovely bits in at the moment! Will include these in my next haul post!
I definitely made the most of all the '3 for 2' offers!
You can't really see in the picture, but Joe walked in the snow (more like sleet) to come visit!
I found an interesting wing bone on my dog walk!
My crazy pups having a tug of war with a stick, and Spot looks mental!
This Easter morning I lost my 'The Walking Dead' virginity! I'm loving it :)
My dad cooked a gorgeous roast dinner!
Lots of lovely Easter treats, including a Lush bath bomb :)
Thanks for reading :)
How has your Easter been?
Follow me on instagram @floraldanielle :)
Love Dani